反编译有时被不道德地用于复制源代码以在未经版权所有者许可的情况下重复使用或改编。反编译 APK 文件并不是一项非常艰巨的任务。它需要将 dex 文件转换为 jar 文件,然后将这些 jar 文件转换为 java 源代码,从而获取应用程序源代码。可以通过保护性手段(例如代码复杂性和混淆)将程序设计为抗反编译。这包括反调试技术、限制调试器、跟踪检查、优化和剥离二进制文件。
To decompile is to convert executable (ready-to-run) program code (also called object code) into some form of higher-level programming language so that it has a more readable format. Decompilation is a type of reverse engineering that does the opposite of what a compiler does. It is the inverse of compilation. The tool that accomplishes this is called a decompiler. There are a number of different reasons for decompilation, such as understanding a program, recovering the source code for purposes of archiving or updating, finding viruses, debugging programs, and translating obsolete code. It is not possible to have a fully automated decompilation. No decompiler can get the exact source code that the developer wrote.
Decompilation is sometimes used unethically to reproduce source code for reuse or adaptation without permission of the copyright holder. Decompiling an APK file is not a very hard task to do. It requires transforming dex files to jar files and then those jar files to java source code, thereby fetching the app source code. Programs can be designed to be resistant to decompilation through protective means, such as code complexity and obfuscation. This includes, anti-debug techniques, restricting debuggers, trace checking, optimizations, and stripping binaries.
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