兵马俑(Terracotta Army;Terra-cotta Figures;soldier and horse figures),即秦始皇兵马俑,亦简称秦兵马俑或秦俑,位于今陕西省西安市临潼区秦始皇陵以东1.5公里处的兵马俑坑内。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。先后已有200多位国家领导人参观访问,成为中国古代辉煌文明的一张金字名片。
Emperor Qin's mausoleum is the largest of ancientChina, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, LintongCounty, some 30m east of Xi'an city,
秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,
facing Weishui River in the north,close to the touristresort Huaqing Pool in the west.
The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of themausoleum,discovered in March of 1974,by a group of farmers drilling a well against thedraught.
巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1 500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。
Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2 000 years.
考古学家发掘了在地下隐藏2 000年的宝藏,
The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide.
Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit intolanes of warriors neatly arrayed.
Due to its hugeness and the lack of written data,Chinese archaeologists and historians haveworked on the mausoleum for decades.
Full scale excavation is left to the future, except some scientific unearthing of a few satellitepits,and visitors to the tomb see only a hill like mound.
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