每日一词 - tough 详解
每日一词 - tough 详解
每日一词 | tough
高中 CET4 CET6 考研
英 [tʌf] 美 [tʌf]
1. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.
2. Even with badly injured, he had caught three enemies alive, earning himself a reputation as a tough guy.
3.The judge was well known for his tough stance on corruption.
4.The next couple of months will be tough, but I’m sure we’ll cope.
1. not easily cut, broken, torn, etc.
2. (physically) strong enough to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations;
3. demanding that particular rules be obeyed and showing a lack of sympathy for any problems that this may cause
4. having or causing problems or difficulties
1. 坚固的;结实耐用的
2. 坚强的;强壮的
3. 严厉的;强硬的;无情的
4. 艰苦的;困难的;棘手的
toughen v.
to become or make something stronger, so that it is not easily cut, broken, etc. 使变强壮;使变困难
toughly adv.
in a way that demands that particular rules be obeyed and shows a lack of sympathy for any problems or difficulty that this may cause 粗暴地;猛烈地
toughness n.
the quality of being strong and not easily cut, broken, torn, etc. 韧度;韧性
The school takes a tough line on cheating.
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